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 Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction)

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Practicing your new affinity
Practicing your new affinity

Female Gemini Buffalo
Age : 27
Posts : 596
Location : Look behind you......................... Made ya look, didn't I? :P
Join date : 2009-08-26

Character sheet
Name: Sky Lark
Age: 16
Affinities : Can sense and sometimes manipulate the feelings of others, and can talk to/ see the dead, and the 5 Elements :D

Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) Empty
PostSubject: Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction)   Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) EmptyThu Aug 27, 2009 4:55 am

Ok, first, I wann tell you guys that I've only finnished the first book (But it's already got a hold of me), and I'm part-way through the second book, so this might be a bit different. But, I'm confident it'll be ok enough to pass for a House Of Night Fan-Fic.
Into to the main character
Name: Saphire (nickname Saph)
Age: 17 (fourth former)
Sex: Female (as if that wasn't obvious)
Afinities: You'll have to wait and see Cool

Bloody Tears, Prolouge: Nancy
Somehow, I had a feeling this was going to happen. That her body was going to reject the change. Heck, I'd had the feeling at 8 (pm of course). It was around 11:30 now, so it scared me that my little prediction was right. Nancy, was coughing. And coughing. And coughing. Bloody tissues were scattered around her, as blood started trickling from her nose and ears. I felt guilty that I hadn't said something before, now I knew this. But, what was I going to say? "Hi Nancy. Just so you know, your going to die today. Thought I better let you know so you can say your goodbyes." Yeah, that would've sounded good, yet somehow, the guilt rushed through me, as her best friend clutched her hand, refusing to let go. The coughing grew insanely worse, as the gentle trickle of blood from her ears and nose became faster than a waterfall. "Where's Iris?" somebody shouted, but I paid no attention, as Nancy's eyes rolled back into her head, knowing it was too late for Iris to come help with her pain. That was the first time, I heard the whispers. They weren't normal whispers, and there were far too many for it too be just this class. The whispers, were eerie, and filled with eternal pain. And then, there was Nancy's ear peircing scream, as a white mist floated gently from her pale, bloody body. The mist floated around the classroom, as I followed it curiously. Then, it suddenly stopped infront of me, and took a form. The form on Nancy. I screamed, and felt all the eyes of the living turn to stare at me. Other white mists appeared too, taking forms of what I could only assume was the dead. "What's wrong with her?" My best friend (who was sitting next to me at the time), Summer, said. Similar echos from the ghosts surrounded me, and I whispered the only thing I could think of. "I see dead people."

Bloody Tears, Chapter 1: Affinity
At that moment, Iris, our High Preistess walked in. I barely noticed her, as the spirts around me stared at me, some even closing in. A buzz of conversation began around me, but I only caught a few words here and there. There weren't just the conversations of the living, either. There were some from the dead too. My ears rang. My head hurt. And I was seeing dead people. "Saphire? Saphire?" Iris said, and suddenly, fledgings and ghosts alike, brought their attention to her. "Yes," I whispered, turning my focus to her too. Iris' face looked frightend by the sound of my voice for a fraction of a second, before she controled herself, and made her face simpathetic, but weary. "What did you mean by, 'I see dead people?'". I stared at her, realizing that I must've looked Zombie-ish to everyone, just by the slowness of my mind. "I see Nancy, and other people I haven't met before. I hear them whisper. I see their pain." I couldn't say anything else though, as suddenly, the white figure of Nancy said something. "Saphire, tell Iris to tell my brother it's under the bed, and that he'll know what I mean." I looked at her for a few moments, until translating to Iris. "Nancy said to tell her brother it's under the bed. He'll know what she means." All eyes were on me. Iris, studied me for a second, making sure I wasn't lying. Then, she nodded her head. "I will, Nancy, if you can understand me. And, Saphire. It appears the Goddess has given you a gift, though whether it is good or bad, we can not yet be sure of. Saphire, you have an affinity for the dead, and those who are dying." I nodded, and suddenly felt myself go tense. An affinity alone was special, but most of them helped people. Mine was just depressing. I looked up again, and felt my heart skip a beat. There, standing across from me, on the other side of the room, was the hottest, sexiest boy I had ever seen. He had dark brown hair, and strange, empty, pale blue eyes. His transparent skin was pale white, and I felt myself blush, just by him being there. I stood up from my seat, and walked over to him. "Hi," I said, suddnely nervous. I heard the door close, but every eye was still on me. "H-hi," he stuttered. "Do you hang around here much?" I asked, as I felt some of the confused looks on my back. The Ghost looked at me, surprised. "No, actually. I'm usually up by the dining hall, where I, er, died," he said, and I made a mental note. "Oh, ok. I'm Saphire by the way," I said. "That's a pretty name, but I already knew that. I'm Dale." "Well, I better stop holding up the class." "Oh, ok." I walked back to my seat. All the fledgings in the room were looking at me, confused. All my fears and somberness disappear, as the class continued, until the bell for Lunch went. I ended up walking to the dining hall with a confused and frightend Summer and Dale. As we sat down for our lunch (roast with vegetables. That's when the weirdness started.

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Practicing your new affinity
Practicing your new affinity

Female Gemini Buffalo
Age : 27
Posts : 596
Location : Look behind you......................... Made ya look, didn't I? :P
Join date : 2009-08-26

Character sheet
Name: Sky Lark
Age: 16
Affinities : Can sense and sometimes manipulate the feelings of others, and can talk to/ see the dead, and the 5 Elements :D

Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction)   Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) EmptyMon Aug 31, 2009 4:50 am

Bloody Tears, Chapter 2: Dale
I felt myself go tense, as an evil pressance entered the room. I looked around, half frightend, half confused. There, right across at one of the tables, stood a tall, slim girl, with the reddest hair I've ever seen. Her transparent face suddenly looked over at me, and her once pale face, reddend with... anger?, as she glided gracefully towards us. Dale, who was sitting next to me, stiffend. "That's my ex," he whispered to me, but I paid no attention to him. The girls glaring eyes were locked on mine, and I couldn't look away. "Look away, now!" Dale said, the urgency in his voice apparent. Yeah, I wanted to look away from her gaze, but I couldn't. A cold hand suddenly was on my sholder. "LOOK AWAY!!! She can kill you if you don't," he shouted, and I mannaged to pull my gaze from the red headed ghost. "Saph, what's wrong," said the voice of my best friend, and I realized how pale I must've looked. "Nothing Summer, sorry. This must really be creaping you out," I said, and she groaned, along with Dale. "Who cares about that. I'm more concerned about how your coping. I mean, it must be really creapy. And you mightn't even have any more privacy. That really sucks." Just as she finnished talking, the red headed ghost stood at our table. She had a fake smile plastered over her face, and I could tell, just from the look in her eyes, that she used to be the 'Queen Bee'. Oh, and that she was a *edit your post and this will go away*. "Hello. I'm Cassy. You must be the Ghost Girl," she said. Yep. A compleate and utter *edit your post and this will go away*. I waved half heartedly. "Let's get a few thing straight, first, don't touch my boyfriend. Second. I still control this school, even if I did die. And third, I don't know why you can see or hear me, but you are not going to ruin this for me. Oh, and, I hate you," she said, and she had that *edit your post and this will go away* expression on her face. The one you'd see on a movie like Mean Girls. "I am not your boyfriend Cassy. I broke up with you years ago, before you died. Get it through your thick head. YOU ARE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. Leave Saph alone," Dale said, before I got the chance to defend myself. Cassy's face was red with anger, and she stormed off, flicking her long, red hair behind her. "Sorry about that," he said, placing his hand on mine. And I felt it. and as cold (and dead) as it felt, my heart still skipped a beat. Again. "Cassy has this obsession. She thinks I died to be with her. She won't accept it," he said, sighing. I looked over at him, and wanted so badly to kiss him. From his expression, he wanted to too. But how stupid would that look? I sighed, going back to my lunch. As I ate, I could feel Dale's longing expression on my back, and his hand never moved from mine. After I finnished my meal, I looked quickly towards my friend, before returning my gaze to Dale. We stared at eachother, moving our faces closer by the minute, untill I felt his cold breath on my face, and our breathing got heavier. I felt people staring, but I paid no attention. I was about to kiss a ghost. Just another inch, and we'd be kissing. I breifly wondered what it'd be like. Seconds ticked by, and suddenly, our lips were together. They were cold, but sweet, and (even if I could see through them), seemed strangely human. People around us gasped, but we didn't stop. I'd kissed plenty of boys before, but this was different. It felt so... right. "Saphire! Oh my gosh!!! I can see Dale!" Summer blurted out. That's when our lips broke free of eachother. Everyone, was staring. Pointing. Some even screaming. Iris burst into the room, and I felt myself stiffen. "Dale? Dale Hudson?" she said, racing towards us. Dale, had gone paler than usual. I wondered breifly, if a ghost could die, again. "You died 50 years ago. You can't be alive," she said, sitting at our table. "I'm not," he whispered after a minute of absolute silence. "What happened before we could see you?" she asked, and I went from pale white, to bright red. "We were, er... kissing," I confessed, and felt Iris' gaze locked on me. She glanced from one, to the other, and then sighed. "The power of love. Such a funny thing," she sighed. That was exactally when I had the feeling. The same feeling as this morning. I was going to die. And I knew when...

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Practicing your new affinity
Practicing your new affinity

Female Gemini Buffalo
Age : 27
Posts : 596
Location : Look behind you......................... Made ya look, didn't I? :P
Join date : 2009-08-26

Character sheet
Name: Sky Lark
Age: 16
Affinities : Can sense and sometimes manipulate the feelings of others, and can talk to/ see the dead, and the 5 Elements :D

Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction)   Bloody Tears (House Of Night Fan Fiction) EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 9:32 am

Bloody Tears, Chapter 3 (part 1): Staying in the present
I stiffend in my seat. Ok, so embaressment wasn't enough, but Nyx (or whichever crazy person gave me these affinities), wanted me to know when I was going to die. Tears started flowing, and I looked over at my best friend, to Iris, to Dale. My eyes locked on Dale's, and I sobbed quietly. "What is it?" Summer asked, rushing over to me. I looked at her. I didn't want to leave the living, and my best friend. I wanted to live my life, have a boyfriend, even imprint! Anything would be better than the deep sorrow that filled my heart. "I'm not going to die, am I?" she asked, tears welling in her eyes. I shook my head. "You're not, but I am," I whispered, and their gazed locked on me with horror filled eyes.

((Sorry it's part 1, but I have to go to bed. I'll finish this tommorrow.))

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