Abandoned is best for the image is created. The sense of being forgotten and lost is there. The idea of an uncompleted story is brought forth in the line 'Paper and pens still sitting in'. It's as if someone was supposed to be here, but has left the world without finishing what he/she was supposed to write. It also sounds like an abandoned lover who could not write to his/her lover what he/she wants to say, and instead, killed him/herself.
But again, the image of an abandoned house cannot be formed if there isn't someone who visits it. So as lonely, as quiet, as lifeless as it is, it seemed like someone was there to find a person, and saw all that. The paper and pen line is really outstanding. It's what starts the mind working, thinking, wondering.
And the last line adds on to the being unable to find the lover who left the uncompleted letter and pen on the desk.
"The old world they left behind'... I don't know what to say of this, but it's really really strong. It feels like it isn't an abandoned house... More like a house with a dead corpse.
All in all, I'd say that this poem is quite tragic... XD Could well be me just leaning too much into goth/angst.
Once again, good write there (: