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 The Putrids

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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySat Dec 18, 2010 12:52 am

Got some words that are bleeped out so WATCH IT! xD I luvs you all, but if you are young and ya aren't allowed to be "exposed" to dirty words than DON'T READ IT! And then we all be great friends! But that's about it... No other things...*waggles eyebrows* No suggestive themes here li'l gants and gals...That's it for todays rant. xD

"What in the world is that supposed to be?"
"It's the day when everything changed."
"And when was that?"
"The day after the night you wouldn't wake up."

When Eithne wakes up, everything has changed. The world around her seems to have collapsed. As she journeys, she discovers herself and a secret hidden for longer than she had ever imagined. Friends', new and old, beliefs clash, as Eithne struggles to discern her own.
Will Eithne step up to the rising expectations of her friends, or will she get lost in a new world and forsake the people who helped her along the way?

Chapter 1

Have you ever woken up to silence? No weak hum of electricity. No snores or random creaks. No signs of life, except for the gloomy moonlight...If that could count as life.
The day I woke've never experienced isolation like it. I can promise you that. It was cold and wet. The moonlight made the world weird shades of gray.
So then, like all stupid heroines, I decided to explore. It was like the horror movie scene where the protagonist decides, "Hey, let's go check out the place where I just heard screaming!" Or "let's look behind the closet where the annoying girl has just been dragged." And you're on the edge of you're seat almost shouting, "NONONONO!" Of course it never works, and an encounter is made...Well, if my life was a movie, the viewer would probably be banging in the T.V. screen with a baseball bat.
I stood up and looked around. I was in some kind of valley or field. Flowers bloomed all around me. Blues, reds, greens, and even exotic oranges joined the landscape, dimmed by the moon. It was so beautiful, but the moonlight made it eerie. It was chilly, and I realized I could see my breath. The valley was surrounded on all sides by a line of trees. Fog slowly crept through the trees and I heard a sound. My ears caught it weirdly, for some reason it felt like I hadn't used them in a long time. The sound of the rustling trees, that seemed so soft in memories, felt like thousands of alarms going off, next to me. I bent down covering my ears, waiting for the pain to subside. When it finally had, I slowly, carefully, cautiously rose, again scoping the valley. The fog had come to my feet, scaring me quite a bit. The wind had stopped, and silence had settle again.
I felt a weird pulling on my skin. My heart pounded, as I looked down. I laughed when I realized I had chill-bumps. I had thought something weird was happening to me, and the idea of chill-bumps just seemed funny. My laughter did not affect my ears as badly as the wind, but sound still felt uncomfortable. But the silence was really creepy, and I would have rather felt uncomfortable with sound than face the quiet valley. I noticed in the middle of the valley, there was a girl. She was laying down watching the stars...Weird, I thought, as I went to check it out. "excuse me. Where exactly am I--or are we at? My breath fogged up my vision for a minute, and I batted it away. I froze. The girl...Her breath wasn't fogging up the air. Her eyes weren't blinking. Her chest wasn't moving either. She was way to still to be alive. I backed up to where I stood before, right on the tree line. I was gasping for air. The girl had really scared the crap out of me.
I heard something else. Something familiar, and warming to my heart. People. I sighed with relief, until I noticed it was shouting.
At first I thought I had finished my thoughts aloud, but I realized it had came from a patch of trees close to me. Then I was freaking out because I just knew I had been caught, which I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing in the first place, or if I could be "caught" since I wasn't really doing anything...But what if they thought I had killed the girl. What would Momma think if she found out that I had killed someone. Surely she wouldn't believe it. I had been framed. Why was I even out here in the first place. Either way, I could absolutely not be caught!
But I hadn't been. Because a boy, about a year or two older than me, emerged from the patch of trees (way to close for comfort) and picked up something shiny. "Look at what I found!"
I remember the line of trees behind me, and, deciding on not getting caught for the moment, slid into their cover. It was actually kind of comforting. For, you know, a valley with pretty flowers, a dead girl, and some weird boy. And someone, or someone-s (totally not a word, but this is my story, back off) were with the boy. Unless he was talking to me, which I highly doubted.
Someone came out of the forest behind him, grabbed some of the valley's soil and...sniffed the air? He dismissed the boy's finds with a "Mhmm..."
The man looked about fifty or so and carried a torch with him. Have you ever watched that Van Helsing movie staring Hugh Jackman? Well, he look really like Hugh that movie, anyway. Long flowing hair, the dirty hat and trench coat. But he didn't stop their, he must have loved Hugh Jackman or something, because he had, you guessed it, WOLVERINE SIDBURNS! AGH! You know the ones that form in this beard thingy? He had them.
The boy didn't seem to find it funny, but he didn't like Wolverine man's "Mhmm...". But I wouldn't have either. It was one of those "Mhmm..."'s adults give you to pacify you and your "need for attention". I would've have been mad, but he just kind of whined.
The figure complained. "Oh, c'mon, Brucie! Do you even know what I have in my hand right now? Avery will p*ss himself."
Brucie, who had his back to the boy, turned and shouted, "What is it now!" And then he choked. "Where did you get that? Avery really will! This is amazing!"
I was kind of curious and started to peak. Then someone shoved me into the light. My skin tingled where I had been touched. I looked down and noticed I was wearing pajamas, kind of randomly considering the situation, but, ah well. I was kind of shocked because the were torn to shreds. Like thousands of years of dirt and weathering had happened. My hand automatically flew to my air. The day before, I had been frantically preparing for the prom, which happened to be today! Where was I?
Someone coughed. It was Wolverine Van Helsing Man.
"Look what I found." Someone came out from behind me. He was the one who had pushed me out into the open. I glared at him, wondering why he had been so rough. I was getting a really bad vibe from these guys.
I spoke, my throat hurt awfully, for some reason. It felt like I hadn't talked in forever, it must've been from sleeping outside. "He just said that. The boy. He just said the exact same thing." Why did I decide to point that out? I have no clue. But the guy was not amused. He was in his mid-twenties maybe late 30s, and he was pretty buff. Also, he was not satisfied with my voice. My head, still looking at the ground, was pointedly pushed into the dirt with his grubby boot, which I have to mention was like a size 57! Forget about prom, these guys are going to kill me..
Click. What was that noise? Was that a gun? Please, not a gun. The boy's voice rang out, "What is she?"
What? I am obviously a person. Who would've been nice, I thought.
"I guess...Putrid? She's not a faerie, as you can tell by her skin. We are supposed to be on call. We got a call for an infected girl around here. Or did you forget?"
Putrid...Infected? Do I smell that bad? He had cut me some slack with his boot and I had enough leeway to smell my pits. I started to choke. Why did I smell so bad?
"What's up with it?" It was Van Helsing.
The big footed hunky Sasquatch spoke with disgust. "Let me bring it up here so we can check."
I could not let these jerks see my tears, so I quickly wiped my eyes.
The boy piped in, "It's about the right color, if our timings right and according to the call-in, it should've changed about 5 minutes ago."
I immediately thought of the girl in the field. Had they killed her? Would they kill me too? What about Momma and Dad? What about my family? Would they ever find me? Would these guys lay me beside the girl in the field?
I started to get frantic. My eyes darted around searching for something. There was nothing around. No natural weapons that just happened to be laying around. I obviously was not an genius movie star who always found a way out. My heart started pounding. Would these be my last moments? Dirt in my mouth, in my Hello Kitty PJs? Life sucks.
"She's getting frantic, she must smell our blood. Kill her, Avery," said Van Helsing.
Avery. Avery would be my killers name. He had big feet, and he looked cute. These would be my last memories. But then Avery spoke up. "Let's let Aiden do it."
Aiden was the boy. He gulped loudly and looked down at the knife he held in his hands. It must've been what he had found earlier.
He looked nervous. Would he kill me or would he stay his blade?
Then I saw the girl running towards Van Helsing. "Van Helsing, behind you! Dead girl!" Once again, I talk without thinking, only it seemed like my lame attempt to save my life, too me anyway. But these idiots all looked. I mean I wasn't lying, but they should've still been on guard. Even though my life was probably in danger too (that girl was a cannibal or something; her eyes were way weird), I took this as my chance to escape.
I ran into the forest, not looking back even as I heard gunshots. After awhile, I ran out of breath and sat down on the foot of a tree. I had to get back home, to a police station or something. These guys were nuts! And so was that girl. She wasn't dead now, I guess.
I was still panting, when I heard a leaf crunch. I looked towards the sound, but nothing was there. I turned the other day and someone was sitting beside me. His face was so close that he was breathing in my face. He was about my age, and his skin was green. "Wha-what?"
"Hello there! My name's Quiver! And what is your name? Natalie. Amber. Eithne, maybe?" He looked into my eyes, as he said my name. The last one. Eithne. He was unnerving. How did he know my name? Eithne was way to uncommon. I stood up, trying to sound nonchalant. "Natalie? No. Amber? No. Epiphany? Is that what you said? I'm not her either." I had no idea why he knew my name, but decided it was not a good reason.
He smiled, knowingly, which was not a good thing. "So then what is your name?"
I should've seen that one coming. "Well, Quiver my name is-" Chirp chirp. I looked up a bird hung above me on a branch. "-Sparrow! My name is Sparrow." I smiled, and back away. He seemed to have gotten angry. His skin changed colors. He was red.
"Now ain't you just a mood ring." Not the right thing to say, but my brain is not connected to my mouth properly, so it basically has a mind of it's own.
He got even more agitated, but he immediately turned blue and smiled. "Mood ring you say?"
I gulped. "You know what a mood ring is?"
My brows furrowed. "Who doesn't?"
"Yea?" Then I clapped my hand over my mouth. It had been a trick, but why was this guy so obsessed with my name and mood rings. What in the crap was going on? I blame my mouth.
"You need to come with me.".
"Can I ask you a question first? Why is your skin blue? And green and red?"
"Why? I'm a faerie! A fae prince actually."
"Faerie? Fae? What the heck? Am I at some kind of nerd convention? I do love those, but not at like Midnight. Especially on the day of PROM?"
"Prom? Proms don't exist anymore?"
"Okay, dude. Quiver. Whatever. What's up with you? You've got some problems or something." I started to back away from him. "I don't know where you came from or why those guys back there are trying to kill me, but what I do know is that I really need to get home NOW! Okie doke? I'm gettin' really tired of this crap! And if someone touches me one more friggin' time, then ya done goof'd. And you will know pain." The irony of the situation really goes through the roof at this point as someone picks me up and drags me through the forest and away from Quiver, and the first conversation I've had since I woke up.
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Trying to stop war
Trying to stop war

Female Libra Dog
Age : 29
Posts : 12345
Location : nashville TN. boringest place ever i know
Join date : 2010-04-24

Character sheet
Name: alyson
Age: 16
Affinities : spirit, fire. knows persons past with one single touch. can read auroas

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 4:36 pm

I like it, Smile
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 7:44 pm

Thank ya kindly! xD

Last edited by Katie-la on Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trying to stop war
Trying to stop war

Female Libra Dog
Age : 29
Posts : 12345
Location : nashville TN. boringest place ever i know
Join date : 2010-04-24

Character sheet
Name: alyson
Age: 16
Affinities : spirit, fire. knows persons past with one single touch. can read auroas

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 7:45 pm

Haha, "put me down shrek.." i love that part, lol, good though
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 11:50 pm

I bit that last bit in this post so it would make it easier to read.
Thanks so much!

"Put me down! Okay, Shrek? Put me DOWN!" I totally felt like Princess Fiona at the moment. Except for I was in Hello Kitty pajamas. And I had dirt in my mouth. And I wasn't an ogre. And I wasn't a princess either. And there was no talking donkey. Or an ogre carrying me...But other than that? I felt like Princess Fiona.
"Dear God, put me down. Seriously. Did I not just give specific instructions not to touch me?"
The dude who napped me only grunted. So I basically told them about everything that had happened lately. Waking up, the way sound felt, the dead girl, the strange men, my almost death, the dead girl coming alive, my escape, Quiver and his weird skin, and how I felt like if anything else crazy happened I was probably going to commit ritualistic suicide. There was nothing but silence at the end of my rant, so I let it continue on.
After, no joke, an hour, I started to get really whiny. "I just want to go home. Okay? Home. With a bed, and heating, and ramen noodles, and a warm shower. And-and." I sighed in defeat.
"Where do you live?" His voice was really nice. It sounded familiar for some reason.
"New York. I just got back from studying abroad in Japan. My mom got out of the hospital yesterday, and-"
"Yeah, why?"
"Are you alright?" He stopped walking. "We're here." He set me down on this weird cloth. I hadn't noticed, but we were in some kind of village. It looked like something you'd see in days without electricity or something. There were house in a circle and they each had other houses beside of them, making makeshift streets or something. In a "all roads lead to Rome" kind of sense, the middle held a large building, so if you ever got lost, just go back the way you came and you would be lead there. It seemed to be some kind of City Hall or something, but I couldn't see since it was still really late. Or maybe early in the morning.He turned away before I could see his face. I was on some giant rug type thing, which was right beside of the City hall building. It was decorated with vines a flowers framing it and a majestic lion in it's center. It felt really soft, which surprised me because it looked really rugged.
It was strangely warm, and I was wondering where we were when he told me, sort of.
"This is the Forge Citadel." He told me, as he walked toward the large building. As soon as the thought came to mind, he said, "Don't get up."
I sat back down and pulled loose thread from the rug. I studied it for awhile and decided that it wasn't a rug, it was a quilt or a throw or something along those lines. It just felt so soft. The guy came out of the building and started to walk towards me. For the first time he was facing me so I checked him out. He was the man, Avery, the one who was about 25 or so.
When I realized who he was, I immediately stood up. I looked around, trying to find a way to escape. I took off down one of the roads and hoped he wouldn't follow. He did.
I heard his footsteps thundering behind me. "Hey! Hey, girl! Where are you going?"
You'd think all that muscle would slow someone down, but it seemed like it made him even faster. He was on my heels in about 30 seconds and I was already out of breath. My legs burned and I wondered why. I was the runner who had the most endurance on the cross-country team, thanks to swimming. We had practice yesterday, and I ran for about an hour straight. Yeah, I slowed down to a jog quite a few times, but I didn't stop. So why now do I tire out after running for not even thirty seconds. What was wrong with me?
People were in the streets staring at us. It kind of embarrassed me. I don't really know why though, since I was running for my life, but it did.
I sighed and collapsed in the middle of the road.
"Didn't hold out for to long there." Avery's face popped up over mine.
I spit in his face and tried to use my feet to trip him, but his boots too thick and my ankles too weak. He grabbed me like he had when we were walking through the forest.
My eyes started to burn and tears pooled out. I was going to die. In a final attempt, I bit his neck. He dropped me immediately and I ran. It felt like I had torn something, and I started to limp. But I didn't stop. I could NOT die. I had to get home. To my mother. She was withering away, and I couldn't die here. Not today. My life was barely over.
Avery had gotten over the shock and ran back up to me.

I woke up in a weird room.
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Discovering you have an affinity for Water
Discovering you have an affinity for Water

Female Capricorn Buffalo
Age : 26
Posts : 680
Location : And why do you need to know??? Stalker much!!!
Join date : 2010-11-03

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Name: Alexandera( alex for shortz(or ally)
Age: 16
Affinities : vision, can see the dead, & can tell if someone is lieing

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyWed Dec 22, 2010 8:41 pm

this is really cool hope write more of the story!!!
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Combining your affinities to save the day
Combining your affinities to save the day

Female Gemini Pig
Age : 29
Posts : 2240
Location : Place where I can be away from loneliness.
Join date : 2009-07-14

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The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyMon Dec 27, 2010 4:52 am

Time for update~ ><
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Combining your affinities to save the day
Combining your affinities to save the day

Female Gemini Pig
Age : 29
Posts : 2240
Location : Place where I can be away from loneliness.
Join date : 2009-07-14

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The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Dec 28, 2010 11:42 am


look who's talking~><
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Dec 28, 2010 5:41 pm

Uh-oh....~Ger!!!!! AHH! DON'T EAT MEH~! I'm on it! *salutes*

Uh....I don't really know where I was going with this in the first place. Ah well, here goes from where I left off.

(This part is no longer part of the story, read the try if ya want, but this little paragraph doesn't exist at this point. rofl)

I woke up in a weird room, to a large crack. A tiny squeal left my mouth before I had time to register the past few hours, or however long it'd been since I woke up beside a dead girl...Who was alive?
Okay, enough talking to myself.
I looked around the room and found the source of the loud noise. A fireplace. I gasped. No, I'm not afraid of fireplaces. And thankfully, I'm fire trauma free.
The weird thing about this fireplace, the thing that made me gasp, was the fact that the fire was green.
When I had been little, my momma had loved to put some powder -will finish this later- and urgent game of GH5 requires my attention!

Last edited by Katie-la on Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Combining your affinities to save the day
Combining your affinities to save the day

Female Gemini Pig
Age : 29
Posts : 2240
Location : Place where I can be away from loneliness.
Join date : 2009-07-14

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The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Dec 28, 2010 10:56 pm

>.> fasterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr D:<
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyThu Dec 30, 2010 2:38 am

Sorry. I got distracted by the music. xD
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 1:31 pm

Ashes they fall like rain...They drift slowly to the ground and caress my arms, each touch pounding mentally My eyes bruned as I beheld the sight of my sanctuary burning to the ground. I could hear screams echoing around me across time as I stand there, staring. Finally, my eyes closed, I began to sleep, but rest never came. The pictures of that night were quickly burnt to a crisp inside of my head. I locked them in my chest and put them in a closet. There they would rarely haunt me, if ever. I woke up to white. White, white, white...Everywhere I looked. And I was alone. Beep, beep, beep. I covered my ears and started to cry. The noise was unbearable. Why wouldn't someone turn it off? And I hadn't meant to have done it. The alarms were so loud, and everyone should've gotten out safely. I didn't do it, though.
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 1:31 pm

What? What hadn't I done? What did this noise remind me of? My eyes flashed open. People suddenly surrounded me. They were talking rapidly to one another. They were dressed in pure colors. Whites and blues blurred around them, around me. Beep, beep, beep. Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep. My hands rushed back to my ears. Tears flooded me, but I tried to keep my eyes open this time, afraid the people would disappear and I'd be alone. Louder and louder, the beeps and voice merged to create a not-so-beautiful harmony. Why was everything so blurry again? Why couldn't I see straight? I found sweet relief in sleep yet again.

I woke up in a weird room. Weird whirrs and beeps were coming from some kind of machine to my left. Puff. Puff. Some kind of vapor spewed into my face. I coughed, as medicine filled my lungs. I expelled a breath and slowly blinked my eyes. "Ummm...Excuse me?" My voice sounded like a engine starting. My throat was getting used to talking, though, so there was some plus. "Why, yes?" It was Aiden, the young boy whose hesitation (along with the dead-girl-in-the-field's, who just so happened to not be dead, intervention) saved my dear, beloved, but not so beloved since they were kinda trying to kill me, life. "You aren't going to-" My throat was so rough, that I started to choke on air. Aiden handed me a glass of water, which I almost took.
Who was I to trust someone who just tried to murder me? I gained my composure and tried to make him feel uncomfortable. I didn't even sit up, as I confronted him. "Are you going to kill me now?" He wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "Am I speaking Spanish? German? Latin? How about, 'No.' So what, you try to kill me and feign stupidity when I bring it up?"
"Oh," he exclaimed while flashing a bright smile. "Forget about that. I'm so sorry. If we had known what you were, we would've never dreamed of doing that to you. You seemed a bit peculiar, ya know? You were spying on us and hiding. We thought you we're trying to ambush us or something. And you know, you are peculiar. What are you? And why were you at that place? The valley, I mean."
"What do you mean 'what' I am? And I just woke up there. What was that thing trying to kill me? And why did you try to kill me in the first place? Where are those other two, who were with you?"
He studied me quietly. “So many questions.“ His voice drifted off.
His gaze soon turned into a glare. “I see. I tried to cooperate and be polite, but you need to tell us what is up with you, or we will have to make you."
I sat up, immediately analyzing his threat. Then, I screamed. The movement burned. My vision got automatically blurry, and tears covered my face. I tried to wipe them away because I hated crying in front of people. Any movement made it worse, I screamed even louder. My whole body was throbbing.
Avery jumped up. "Are you alright?"
The door busted open and people flooded the room. Avery and Van Helsing were with them. Avery's eyes fell on me for a millisecond before he shifted them to Aiden. "I told you no painful tactics until she absolutely refuses." I gasped and tried to sit up again. "What do you mean painfah-" My shriek of pain filled the room.
"It wasn't me! She seems to be sore. I think she's so out of shape that yesterday took it all out of her. Sleeping for two hundred years doesn't seem to help either," Aiden chirped.
"What did you guys do to me? I feel awful." Talking made my lips burn, and I could feel them bleeding.
"Eithne, go to sleep. We'll have to apply some Vaseline and lotion. Your body has been seriously dehydrated. Aiden, go get some lotion." Avery seemed to know exactly what he was doing, which put me at ease. I passed out of consciousness as they took care of me.
When I woke up, I was in the same room, but I was alone. My body felt about ten times better, and I felt very much awake.
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Combining your affinities to save the day
Combining your affinities to save the day

Female Gemini Pig
Age : 29
Posts : 2240
Location : Place where I can be away from loneliness.
Join date : 2009-07-14

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The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyWed Jun 22, 2011 7:10 am

lol. 'what? what hadn't i done?' love that.

hmmm. i'm waiting. still waiting... are you writing or loading or lagging? ><
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 12:48 am

Psh, wrong. I NEVER lag. xD

BOOM! Instant words. Ta-dahhhh!

My eyes quickly darted around the room. I was the only person. The strange medicine machine had been removed, and I had been bathed. I slowly lifted myself up, using my elbows. As my elbows brushed my body in the over-sized arm holes in the hospital gown I had donned, I noticed how soft my skin was. I remember them saying something about applying lotion.
I wondered absently if I had been identified since my sleep and if my parents had finally came to my rescue.
But I quickly dismissed the idea. I knew something was off-kilter here. Something about these people wasn't right. I needed to find a way out.
On that thought, I bounded out of the bed and out of the room, marveling at how well I felt. The hallway outside of my room had all lights turned off, but the door at the end of the hallway was wide open and I could see that it led to a decimated wing of the hospital. Scorch marks and dirt had covered every surface. I frowned. I had been right something was wrong here.
I made, now that I think back about it, an absolutely insane decision this time (not the first) when I decided to go the way my gut told me, The way opposite of the door. The dark way. The way that I couldn't see.
I would also like to point out that this is another perfect B horror movie moment. I swear my mom didn't drop me as a child.
But anyways, as I continued down the hallway to my almost certain death, I realized how utterly ridiculous my life had been for the past--Then I realized that I had no idea how long I had blacked out.
The pure insanity of the situation made me burst out laughing.
My laughs quickly filled the hallway. I realized too late that if I were loud enough people might discover my in\-progress escape. I quickly covered my mouth, and my eyes darted around for any captors. I mentally facepalmed myself when I remember that I was in an area surrounded in utter darkness. I quickly shuffled with my hands out, feeling for obstacles with my limbs.
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 11:52 pm

And then I felt him. My hands collided directly with his chest. I could feel his heart beating, and frankly, it scared the shizz out of me. You'd think I'd get used to surprises, but noooo, not me. So being shocked, I smacked him as hard as I could in what I hoped was his face. And then I took off down the hallway, into the even darker recesses of I have no clue what. "Hey! Where are you going?" A voice, which belonged to Aiden, echoed after me, but my steps didn't faltered.
After running for about fifteen minutes, I finally had gotten used to the curves of the hallways and was navigating pretty well. His footsteps had stopped about five minutes earlier, and I felt I could take a break.
I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees into my chest. I had no idea what had happened to me, but whatever was going on here was insane. The people were insane. I blocked out what had happened since I woke up. I just got up and continue running, focusing on the steady, dependable rhythm of my feet.
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth
Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

Female Sagittarius Rat
Age : 27
Posts : 862
Join date : 2009-07-20

Character sheet
Name: Michiko
Age: 15
Affinities : Sound, Water

The Putrids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids EmptySat Mar 23, 2013 4:23 pm

All of a sudden, my outstretched hands hit cold wall. No, not wall. It was a door. Excitement filled me as my hands found the release. I pushed slowly, hoping that it wouldn't make any noise. I still couldn't see, so who knows if anyone was near me or not.
It squeaked. That squeak was on of the loudest noises I had ever heard. I bit my lip and hoped it was a combination of fear and adrenaline that had made it seem so noisy.
I cautiously stuck my head out and scanned my surroundings. There was a forest about 15 paces away. It stretched as far as I could see, but without my glasses I was blind anyway. I didn't see anyone, and decided to make a break for it. I easily broke the distance and continued running through the forest, thinking that a city couldn't be too far out. I ran and ran until I tripped over a tree root.
I hit the ground with an oompf. My eyes bugged out in pain. I had sprained my left ankle. "Shizz," I spit out.
I heard a tree branch snap. I made a small "eek" noise and then quickly clamped my hand over my mouth. I slowly swiveled my head around, silently praying now one heard me. I didn't see anyone and decided to lay down beside the tree branch for cover.
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PostSubject: Re: The Putrids   The Putrids Empty

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