This is just a little opening of a story that just jumped into my head. sorey about the spelling mistakes.
My name is Alex. I am too old to remember how old I am. yesI am a vampire and I look about 70. I live in my little corner of beth island with all the other vampires. you'd think that being the oldest on the island and in thoery being the wisest that I'd be the most inportant. No. I am the one who dose all the dirty for eveyone, I like 784 peoples slave.don't wate on the 24/7 but I'm in charge of makeing everything look perfect. Not a fun job. Yes I havea lonely life my onley friends being jibb my UAB ( unidentifed aquiatic being) he kind of looks like a fat blue with legs. I havent talked to anyone apart from jibb,in 10 years when a young girl jess I thnik,had hid in my shack because well I don't know why she was hidding but it had somthing to do with her ex boyfriend Geff she cam to see me every day for a year after I got Geff off her case. she would come evey day unell she died. I remamber how It happend I could tell you with out stoping to think about it, so here gose. I was chating to my jibb when I herd a sceam and someone bashing on my old door to my shack...