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 The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*

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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
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Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySat Mar 03, 2012 10:00 pm

WARNING!! If you have a weak heart and/or you are easily grossed, please do not read this story. It contains a lot of blood, sex and violence.

~~Inspiration for this story came when I watched the "Sin City" again, with my sister. I will try to update the story every day, but I don't promise it. Enjoy!!~~

~*~ The story from the Underground ~*~

Name is Alice Fortron. Age, like you want to know. Where I'm from you ask? Even I don't know that for sure. Parents told me it was Texas, but I don't sound like from there. Probably because I moved a lot and I picked up different accents. Why am I doing this? Hell, I don't know either. Probably because I need someone to talk to, to pour my soul to. Everyone needs someone like that. So where do I even begin. Probably back from my child hood. Nah, you're not the type for that. I'll start right where all my miseries began.

The Underground

Quiet town. Lots of human garbage. Skunks, pedophiles, murderers. You know, the regular type. How do I know that? I know them all. Local bar, at day at least. Nobody knows for sure who runs it at night. Me, I'm a bartender there. At least I was until I ran away. Back to the story. So me, a bartender, at the local bar. Luna de Luxe. Quiet place at the day time. You can drink coffee all day and read the papers over and over again, because there is nothing to do. At night, it comes to life. The simple bar fights at the beginning. Then the mafia shows up, and the more freaky types. I always thought they were mutants, but they were actually the local lab rats. The mob always does experiments on people around here. Making the ultimate army. How the hell did I get myself into that mess. I should have ran away and never looked back as Bobby told me to do. Stupid. Silly me, opening my mouth too much as always. So again, lab rats. The experiments driven them so crazy that they turn to be the deadliest human scumbags alive. That is why there are here of course. Then there is my guardian angel. Mary. Ironic isn't it. Her name is naturally not Mary, I call her like that. Her pretty blond hair, and drop dead gorgeous face makes her so divine that she does look like Virgin Mary. Sad thing is, she is no virgin. None of the girls around here are. Strippers. That's what we are. But not the regular type, the deadly ones. We have no pimp, or our owner, we're our own masters. Killers. Like I stated, the regular type in town.

~~~~~~~~~ for more let me know in comments ~~~~~~~~~~

Last edited by Nemesis on Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:31 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Discovering you have an affinity for Earth

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The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySun Mar 04, 2012 5:35 am

M o r e Tounge
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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
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Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

Character sheet
Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySun Mar 04, 2012 11:35 am

I'll post more later ^^ coffee time.... and glad you like it! Nod
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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
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Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

Character sheet
Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySun Mar 04, 2012 8:25 pm

*** continuing ***

Well, we sure ruled the town. But not every part. That's why we had to work at the bar. Our home was on the south part. The part where only people with a death wish would enter. The place always looked deserted. But we were there. Watching. Listening. Everyone knew everyone there so if someone didn't belong there, they were corpse. That is how I got my reputation in the South. Amazons was our name. Lethal, yet charming. The best of the best. Killers. We had to defend ourselves from the mob. I don't actually know the legend of the town, or how it all began, but by the time I got there, Amazons were here too. They knew who I was. A young scared girl ran away from her family to live her own life. But they misjudged me. I was raised as a killer. Father warrior, mother warrior, hell even I was practically born on a battle field. World War 3. At least some good thing came out of that piece of $hit. I never worked good with a rifle or a gun. My specialty were blades. And my girlfriend adored me for that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a lesbian, but we call each other like that. Yea, you're right. It's Mary. She loved the guns though. I will never understand that. But somehow we were the most lethal team on the area. People called us Mary-Alice twins. Not because we looked alike, we were definitely opposite in everything. But that much negatives makes a positive somehow. We didn't care. We understood each other.

Oh yea, I was talking about the reputation. Well, that one is a long one. When I first got to the South, like I said, I was scared to death. Not even dogs entered the area. But the cats were everywhere. It looked like they haunted the place. All dark, with mysterious alleys. Then she showed up. Sabrina. She was gorgeous. She reminded me of a porn star my dad used to watch all night. Yea, he went psycho after the war, another reason why I left the $hit hole. She was always wearing leather suits. Again, like a porn star. The resemblance was remarkable. Sabrina told some chick to bring the man. He was tied up with bandanna over his mouth. He looked scared to death. She told me to kill him, or I will die. She looked like she was enjoying the show, and so did the rest of girls. I, on the other hand, was stone cold. Emotionless. Another kill? I'll go to hell anyways after what I did in the previous town. Just for the record, lots and lots of blood. I took my blade out. One, two, three stabs in the chest and for the finishing punch I slid his throat like it was a piece of paper. Everything was over in less than a minute. Sabrina was impressed with my showing and decided to keep me for a while. I didn't know what I got myself into. The chain of command. Hookers that slept on the streets were the lowest, then the classy hookers that lived in motels. After that, the club. First, naked dancer girl, then lap dancer girl, the pole dancing girl, waitress, bartender,then Sabrina's bodyguard, her right hand, then Sabrina herself. Guess where I was? Yea, you got that right. And like I said, no virgins in this town. But the payday was the best. No matter in which part of the chain you are, everyone shared the same piece of the cake. So I decided to stick around. Oh and, if some bad $hit would happen, like the customer was a bit too naughty or didn't pay his round, you have the right to torture his as$ and he would go missing, for good. There was only one rule in the South. Snitch, and you're dead. No matter who you are, no matter how high you are in the chain, you will die if you rat out someone.

~~~ all critics are welcome. Please comment ~~~~

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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
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Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

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Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptyTue Mar 06, 2012 6:17 pm

*** continuing ***

Let me tell you something about the chain of command. From my point of view. It sucks big time. Yea sure it's amazing when you get to the higher ranks, but the road to there is blood and stones.

The Street hookers worked at the East part streets. They worked on the street, literally. People had sex on cars and stuff, no hygiene, nothing. The same place where all the labs and experiments were going on, so it was 'pretty' to work there. All the lab rats that get released after about two or three years of living there make a first stop at the hooker street. Early knows as some persons noble street but people forgot the name so they now call it The hooker street. Most of customers were sociopaths, hell, all of them were, but each in their own way. Some were mass murderers, some child molesters, pedophiles, rapists, serial killers, some were depressed and just wanted a good time, but all of them had one thing in common. They wanted us, badly, badly enough to kill a hooker if she refuses to do him. So basically you learned from peoples mistakes. Never cross a murderer, keep the rapist on a short leash, dress like a school girl for the pedophile so he can keep it up, but never, ever, let them hit you. The mass production of the "mutants" went wild after the War. Somehow mob decided they want to rule the world so it's easier to make an army of killers then send themselves to the battle. I don't blame them, it's better than some psycho dies than a common man. But they should keep them in order once they let them go. That is also when a lot of Amazons were dying. I'm sure you're smart enough to put the pieces together.

Anyways, the Amazons needed people, badly. I was lucky enough to be well trained and in the right place at the right time. Since a lot of young pretty girls were needed, some of the teenagers wanted to join. They passed the beginner test, but they didn't have enough will power to get them trough the first chain link. So they ended up being on drugs, heroin mostly. The Amazons gave up on them by the time they went heavy for that stupid needle so the mob made them their sex toys. Bad scene. Few of them, Lauren and Bella were still alive, barely. I saw them a couple of times in the bar, giving some mob dudes blow jobs in the middle of the party in some shady corners. What a girl would do for a hit. Shame. Next time I saw only Bella, she looked like cr@p. The bags under her eyes were not brown, but black, and the paleness of her face made her look like a living zombie. And once again she was a sex toy of the party. She danced naked on the table and dudes took rounds on her. Sometimes even two at a time. And her face, emotionless. She was dead inside. Every time a guy came up on the table to take his piece of the cake he threw a bundle of money on her and the mob dude was happy as hell. Few weeks later, the police found both Lauren and Bella dead in some ally, overdosed and bare naked in some dark alley. So you could say not all of us had the 'glamour' of the Street hookers.

Next stop to the dream world, Motel hookers. Now those were some nice ladies. Classy, as I would say. All dressed up, with nice cosy rooms, a bit better clientele, mostly cops from the other East part of the town, and, some lab rats that made a fortune by killing people. Those girls thought they owned the place. They worked at the same street as Street hookers, but at least they had a roof over their heads. The crossing from Street hooker to Motel hooker lasted for a month, sometimes even more. Depending on if you have some disease in you or you're on drugs or something. Once you were finally 'clean' from everything you could move on up. And yes, Amazons had their own hospital with real nurses and solitaries. So no worry there. Back to the story. Once you're finally there, your whole perspective of the town changes. Customers actually buy you stuff, like shoes, dresses, suits, jewelry, or anything else if they had the money. But, heh, there is always a but, nothing can be too perfect right? BUT, rules are rules. Everyone shared equal part. So basically, if you are the new girl among the Motel hookers it is a quite improvement to have some new shoes, even though you waited for several months to get your piece. Not every time they give money which can be split easily. So, like I said. The improvement of the clientele. Cops. People would say that they are loyal, since, well, they are part of the law and all, but those type were even worse than the mutants. At least with mutants you know they are pieces of $hit, but cops are two-faced liars. They all had a nice and warm house with several kids and a wife they oh-so-love dand all that. But, apparently their wifeys didn't want to give some skin so they were forced to come to our part. Or at least they said it like that. Some of them never took their wedding rings while they fu*ked one. Another interesting fact about the Motel hookers was that those girls were mostly sadists and masochistic. I never blamed them for that. After Street hookers person changes, a lot.

The day I got my second kill was the day I joined the Motel hookers. The dude was a scumbag. Me, all dressed up in leather suit with a whip in my hand and high heels that made me look 20cm taller, him, tied up to the sealing chain, practically drooling over me. Disgusting. So, after half an hour his small di*k finally woke up and his eyes balls almost popped out when I took off the suit and stayed only in heels. Somehow, don't freaking know how the bastard cut loose from the chain and charged at me pinning me to the wall. His mug was in my face, all drooling like he had rabies and put his 'equipment' (if a person can call that ant an equipment) inside me. I had to stay cool and act like I'm fine with it, but the fact is, the as$hole was getting on my nerve. And then, from nowhere, he hit me. With his freakin fist, straight in the stomach. Son of a... Never mind. So, thank god for my skills, again, I managed to free my hands, probably caused by adrenalin jump or something, I twisted his head for 180° and ding dong the psycho is dead. No blood, clean death. Something negative that day. I was worried what would Sabrina say, but I went straight to her and left the a-hole to rot. Sabrina was fine with me killing him because I had a good excuse of doing it so she cleaned up the mess, took his money of course, and split it up to the rest of us. Me, two, the scumbags, zero. Hell yea.

~~~ all critics are welcome. Please comment ~~~~

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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
Posts : 1729
Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

Character sheet
Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySat Mar 10, 2012 4:09 pm

*** continuing ***

Like I said, my first day on the job was good. Negative, but managed to pull out something positive out of it. Sabrina was intrigued by my reactions with the scumbag, so she said. But the other girls saw me as a threat. Since I was new and all, I managed to get on Sabrina's good side in just one day. They made my staying there a living hell. Not that I've already passed trough one, but this type of living hell was worse than anything life can bring. I wouldn't wish it for my worst enemy. The next series of my customers were born psychos. None of the girls would touch them with a isolated stick trough a phone line, but apparently they saw them fit for me. Next guy that came to my 'chambers' as they called the rooms was a mass murderer with a reputation so high that no sane man would bother him. The dude was scary as fu*k. His face looked like it was made of plastic, clean, emotionless, no flaw. But his mind was twisted. He wanted me to dress up in the 1860 gown so he can pretend that he ambushed me in my 'quarters' as he said. What a loser. But anything to please a customer. So I did what he said and acted like I'm some stuck up royal virgin. Lame. Anyways, when he saw me dressed like that, just me, standing there, he took off his pants and started to jerk off. Ok, weirdo. Even though I would have enjoy to feel his thing inside me. Let's say that he was gifted. Not like the usual ant types. So, when he finally finished he changed in some way. His face was blushing, and with a freaky accent he told me that I was beautiful. Yea, his pants were still down, and even though he was not in erection his di*k was big. I tried to move towards him, to say that it's ok, and that I will make him happy, he yelled at me and scratched my arm. That was when I first noticed his long nails. Hell, not even Street hookers who loved their nails more than their health had this long nails. First, he jerked off on seeing me, second, he was ashamed to call me beautiful, then he scratched me? 911 we got a virgin on our hands. Let me clear that. Virgin psycho were one bad sons of bitc*es. They will jerk off and pay you any way you want but they will never touch you. The only person who they will touch is their perfect bride who they kill and then molest their corpse. Talk about disgusting. Lab rats are zero comparing to his guys.
This dude became a regular customer. Even when I was busy with some other low life fu*king his brains off he waited for me. Every day, for the next few weeks. Until it happened.
One day, his last day, he came to my room almost tearing the door apart. I noticed him and immediately started to look for the dress. He came from the back and pinned me inside my closet. I hit my head with the hanger and in few seconds was unconscious. When I woke up I was tied up to the bed and saw his emotionless face near my leg. He went for the down hill. He licked me on the soft places that made me tingle. No other man managed to do this perfectly like he did. The only thing that bothered me was that I couldn't move. But he kept on going. I was about to scream from pleasure with my eyes flipped, but I couldn't breath. His tongue felt so good inside me. This dude certainly knew how to make a girl explode. His strong hands caressed my hips so gently that it was like from a dream. I wanted him. Even though he was a psycho, I wanted him. What the hell was wrong with me? He circled around my clitoris like it's a freakin lollipop and with small bites that made me shiver I came. Fu*king fireworks were in my head as I was sweating and breathing heavily from this erotic pleasure. I knew this was too good to be true, because next thing he did scared the $hit out of me. The bastard took out a knife and started to glide it slowly from the top of my body to the bottom of my toes. He went for another round and stopped at my breasts. He held one in his hand, mixing is slowly, the moves that copied his breathing. I felt his di*k on the inside of my leg but it was far away from the entrance hole. Or I thought it was. Was he going to kill me? Was I really going to die by this psychos knife?

~~~ all critics are welcome. Please comment ~~~~

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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
Posts : 1729
Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

Character sheet
Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptySun Mar 25, 2012 1:24 pm

*** continuing ***

Hell no I didn't die. I'm talking aren't I? Well, let me explain what happened. I felt the psychos di*k entering my hole. It sure made it wider for a few, and it did feel damn good that finally someone managed to satisfy me on even entering inside me, but that doesn't change the fact that I was $hit scared. Oh it felt so good when he put it half the way in, even that was enough for me to moan, but the knife he was holding was slowly piercing trough my skin and the blood was slowly coming out from my breast. The pain hit me like an explosion and I screamed, I didn't know if I was screaming from him finally fu*king my brains out or from the pain of his knife. Hell both of his equipment felt like knives, one actually was. Then it happen. BAM! Someone smashed the door causing it to fly into pieces. The psycho never stopped. He went even harder, faster, as his breathing went heavy his focus was just on me. My eyes flipped from his speed and I was truly in ecstasy. Feeling him inside me, feeling the knife was neglected. Even I didn't wake up from this hypnosis. I finally saw a huge black figure standing behind him when I was making a home run. Something flashed in front of my eyes and I felt him stop. Slowly, blood was dripping from his neck, and even more slower, his head was sliding down from his shoulders. When it fell off, with a small pat on the bed I saw the emotionless man in a black leather coat standing. The blood that was coming from the psychos body was like a fountain in a beautiful garden as I noticed the deep green eyes on this stranger. So romantic place to fall in love. He kicked the decapitated body from the bed and just looked at me. Silent. My breathing still heavy I was actually afraid to say anything. The katana he was holding was the only thing shining in the dark room. He put it down slowly and motioned to the cuffs. With a small nod, and still unsteady breath I told him to release me, and so he did. Standing on all his four on top of me he opened the cuffs and looked right into my eyes. His cold leather coat felt like a wake up call on my bare hips. His sexy perfume was something I never sensed before, not on any man. And I could notice he was shaped pretty damn well. What does he want actually? Does he want a round? Or was he another psycho? So many freaky things happening.

~~ all critics are welcome. Please comment ~~

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Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess
Getting on the wrong side of the High Priestess

Female Virgo Goat
Age : 32
Posts : 1729
Location : Javaland, PHP state, C++ city
Join date : 2009-11-21

Character sheet
Name: Nemesis
Age: 18
Affinities : Earth affinity

The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~*   The story from the Underground *~ for 17+, it will get messy~* EmptyThu Mar 29, 2012 9:09 pm

*** continuing ***

After the long silence, that actually felt like ages passed while we were just looking at each other, I noticed that with every breath I make more blood came down my body from the wound. He took his hand slowly and pressed it on my neck. With a slow strike he cupped my breast. That sure was a pleasant feeling. I saw his head tilted a bit so he could see inside the wound. He let his head drop on my breast slowly and with gentle gulps he suck the blood from the wound. I didn't care at the moment what the hell was he doing, but it did feel damn good. My torso arched a bit and small moans escaped my lips with his every suck. I could feel his tongue inside my flesh and I could feel his teeth on my skin. His breathing matched mine for a long five minutes. Then he stopped. Confused the hell out of me. His head lifted from my body and I saw him spitting a piece of metal on the floor. The fu*k??! He told me that a piece of the knife was stuck in the flesh and that with every breath I made it went deeper into my body. Soon, it would pierce to the lungs and I would be dead in a minute or less. Lucky for me that he was around I guess. He told me to cover the wound with something until he gets Sabrina. So I guessed he knew her pretty well if they were on the first name bases. I got up, got to the closet and reached for the medical kit. In a minute my wound was covered, and before I could turn around the mysterious green-eyed hero was already gone.

Sabrina came in no time. Thank god I was dressed properly for her presence. She gathered around all the Motel hookers and stood next to me. She told them to step forward on the matter of the virgin serial killer but unfortunately no one did. Unfortunately for them. She was good with details after all, so she noticed few of the girls that usually gave new girls a hard time shift their positions and were rather uncomfortable with all the meeting issue. Sabrina put on an evil smile as she approached them and told the rest of the girls that they are excused. So there were only few of us left. Sabrina, the four girls, and me. She told them to kneel before her, which they did, $hit scared. Hell I was scared too. She took out a blade and without even looking at me raised it. I knew what I needed to do. I walked slowly to where she stood and took the blade from her hand. Kill them, was what she said, with no emotions what so ever. So I did. I went behind them and with a quick motion the first girls neck was wide open. Causing blood to fly off from the main vein and artery, the two inch red flesh showing on both sides of the cut as their head fell backwards with their eyes wide open from the suffocation. Second. Third. Fourth. Each the same cuts. Quick and not so much clean.

Sabrina told me that it was time for me to move on. That I've already suffered enough on the horrid streets and that my killing skills would be useful in the upper ranks. I didn't realize that a year and a half passed since I came to the town, and I was definitely happy to finally work in the club, and live on the South part. Having my own condo, my own ride, my own money, and a semi real job. But few months will have to pass until then. Next stop. Hospitalization for the cleaning process.

~~~ all critics are welcome. Please comment ~~~

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