What is a signature? A signature is the words/pictures that show up under each post a member makes.
How do I get a signature? To get a signature, go to the link at the top of every page "Profile" then click on the link "Signature". In the text box design your signature. Post pictures, sayings, whatever you want (as long as it doesn't break any site rules) the same way you would when writing a normal post.If it doesn't turn out the way you wanted you can click "Old signature" and it'll refresh to what you had before you started editing it. (You can't refresh it after you've saved it) When you're finished click "Save".
Then go to the link "Preferences" and make sure " Always attach my signature " is marked "Yes."
Or if you don't want your signature to show up under every post, after you write a post you can click the little "+" On the the right side of the screen on the "Options" bar beneath reply boxes then check mark the "Attack Signature" box. (If you already edited it in the Preferences section you don't need to do this)
There is a 500 Character limit. Characters include the all the letters, numbers,symbols in your post including those in the links/