((Nobody replied but I kept typing)
Chapter 1
I walked up to the school building. When I got there I looked around. There were a lot of people. There was a tall bulky guy, a slim tall woman, a small girl, a tall teen-ager about my age girl, a tall muscular guy, a big scary looking guy and that was it. Besides them it was just another cluster of kids.
Classes passed by but the entire time I kept seeing those same six people peeking through the windows. I went to lunch and picked up my tray. I sat down next to my friends Kayl and Tonks (she changed her name to her favorite Harry Potter chareter’s). I watched them eat there food as I ate mine. We didn’t talk that much until the six people came in “Do you know what there problem is?” we all asked at the same time then burst into laughter. Just then the tall slim woman sat down. She pulled a note book out of her pocket and poised her pen ready to take notes.
“What is your name?” she directed the question at me her gray eyes never moving. My friends stared at me wanting me to answer.
“Eve,” I finally said she scribbled something into her notebook.
“Eve would you mind if you had to leave your family and never see them again,” I was hoping this was hypothetical but her voice didn’t make it sound that way.
“Well it would depend on why I was leaving,” I answered that caused her to scribble something else into her notebook.
“Thank you ladies that will be all,” she got up. Then the small girl sat down and questioned Kayl. Then the muscular guy questioned Tonks.
Lunch finally ended and I left trying to forget about what happened.
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